Open Up a World

DUPIXENT demonstrated rapid and sustained lung function improvement up to ~3 years.

Rapid lung function improvement patients can feel as early as
Week 21-3

Lung function improvement through Week 52

Baseline blood EOS ≥300 cells/μL (QUEST, secondary endpoint)

  • At Week 12 in patients with no biomaker requirement: 320 mL improvement from baseline in pre-bronchodilator FEV1 with DUPIXENT
    200 mg Q2W + SOC (n=631) vs 180 mL with placebo + SOC (n=317) (LSM difference: 140 mL [95% Cl: 80, 190 mL]) (QUEST, primary endpoint)1,4
  • 480 mL improvement from baseline in pre-bronchodilator FEV1 at Week 52 with DUPIXENT 300 mg Q2W + SOC (n=277) vs 230 mL with
    placebo + SOC (n=142) (baseline blood EOS ≥300 cells/μL, QUEST, secondary endpoint)1
  • In QUEST, a significant difference from placebo + SOC was not observed at 12 weeks in change in pre-bronchodilator FEV1 in patients
    with baseline blood EOS ≥150 to <300 cells/μL taking DUPIXENT 300 mg Q2W + SOC and in patients with baseline blood EOS <150
    cells/μL taking DUPIXENT 200 mg Q2W or 300 mg Q2W + SOC1
Sustained lung function
improvement patients
can feel2,4,5,a,b


  • 310 mL improvement in FEV1 at Week 96 in the DUPIXENT/DUPIXENT group (n=447) from 1.78 L at baseline in the parent study
    for patients enrolled from QUEST (overall exposed population, TRAVERSE OLE study, secondary endpoint)4
    • 330 mL improvement in FEV1 at Week 96 in the placebo/DUPIXENT group (n=219) from 1.75 L at baseline in the parent
      study for patients enrolled from QUEST4

Results are descriptive. Definitive conclusions cannot be made.

Data were not multiplicity controlled and there are limitations associated
with open-label study design, including lack of comparator arm, decreasing
sample size, and potential continued involvement of responders and
attrition of nonresponders.

a1.78 L was the baseline FEV1 level from QUEST (n=633) compared with a
placebo value of 1.75 L (n=321).4

bFEV1 was assessed in the exposed population (observed cases) using
descriptive statistics.5

Lung function
improvement in patients
with elevated EOS (≥150
cells/μL) and elevated
EOS + allergic asthma3,4


Results are descriptive. Definitive conclusions cannot be made as this was a post-hoc analysis. There are limitations on sample size and data
were not multiplicity controlled.

DUPIXENT trials enrolled patients with eosinophil levels up to 1500 cells/μL.1

QUEST primary endpoint
results (ITT population)

  • 320 mL improvement from baseline in pre-bronchodilator FEV1 at Week 12 with DUPIXENT 200 mg Q2W + SOC (n=631) vs 180 mL with placebo + SOC (n=317) (LSM difference: 140 mL [95% CI: 80, 190 mL])1,4
  • 340 mL improvement from baseline in pre-bronchodilator FEV1 at Week 12 with DUPIXENT 300 mg Q2W + SOC (n=633) vs 210 mL with placebo + SOC (n=321) (LSM difference: 130 mL [95% CI: 80, 180 mL])6
  • In QUEST, a significant difference from placebo + SOC was not observed at 12 weeks in change in pre-bronchodilator FEV1 in patients with baseline blood EOS ≥150 to <300 cells/μL taking DUPIXENT 300 mg Q2W + SOC and in patients with baseline blood EOS <150 cells/μL taking DUPIXENT 200 mg Q2W or 300 mg Q2W + SOC1


Results are descriptive. Definitive conclusions cannot be made as this was a post-hoc analysis. There are limitations on sample size and data
were not multiplicity controlled.

Allergic asthma was defined as total serum IgE ≥30 IU/mL + ≥1 positive perennial-aeroallergen–specific IgE ≥0.35 kU/L at baseline.7

EOS, eosinophils; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; ITT, intention-to-treat; LSM, least squares mean; OLE, open-label extension;
Q2W, once every 2 weeks; SOC, standard of care.

Rapid lung function improvement patients can feel as early as
Week 22,4,6,8

Lung function improvement through Week 52

Baseline blood EOS ≥300 cells/μL (QUEST, post hoc analysis)

  • 500 mL improvement from baseline in pre-bronchodilator FEV1 at Week 52 with DUPIXENT 300 mg Q2W + SOC (n=129) vs 250 mL with
    placebo + SOC (n=61) (LSM difference: 250 mL [95% CI: 110, 390 mL])4,6,8

Results are descriptive. Definitive conclusions cannot be made as this was a post-hoc analysis. There are limitations on sample
size and data were not multiplicity controlled.

Sustained lung function improvement patients can feel2,4,5,a,b


  • 450 mL improvement in FEV1 at Week 96 in the DUPIXENT/DUPIXENT group (n=92) from 1.84 L at baseline
    in the parent study for patients enrolled from QUEST (baseline blood EOS ≥300 cells/μL, TRAVERSE OLE
    study, post hoc analysis)4
    • 440 mL improvement in FEV1 at Week 96 in the placebo/DUPIXENT group (n=50)
      from 1.89 L at baseline in the parent study for patients enrolled from QUEST4

Results are descriptive. Definitive conclusions cannot be made as this was
a post hoc analysis of open-label extension data.

Data were not multiplicity controlled and there are limitations associated
with open-label study design, including lack of comparator arm, decreasing
sample size, and potential continued involvement of responders and
attrition of nonresponders.

a1.84 L was the baseline FEV1 level from QUEST (n=129) compared with a
placebo value of 1.89 L (n=61).4

bFEV1 was assessed in the exposed population (observed cases) using
descriptive statistics.5

EOS, eosinophils; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; ICS, inhaled
corticosteroid; ITT, intention-to-treat; LSM, least squares mean; OLE,
open-label extension; Q2W, once every 2 weeks; SOC, standard of care.