SINUS-24 and SINUS-52

DUPIXENT was studied in the largest CRSwNP Biologics Trial Program. There were 724 total participants: 276 in SINUS-24 and 448 in SINUS-52. Adults (≥18 years) on background INCSa with CRSwNP were included despite prior sinus surgery or prior treatment with, or who were ineligible to receive or were intolerant to, systemic corticosteroids in the past 2 years were enrolled in the clinical trials.1,4

In both SINUS-24 and SINUS-52, 73% to 90% of subjects had opacification of all sinuses. Prior surgery patients had a mean of 2.0 prior surgeries, and SCS use patients had 1.6 SCS courses in the previous 2 years.1

Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyposis were not included in these trials. Rescue with systemic corticosteroids or surgery was allowed at investigators’ discretion. The total population of patients in SINUS-24 and SINUS-52 was unrestricted by minimum baseline blood eosinophil count.1

aAll patients in the placebo and DUPIXENT arms were on a background therapy of INCS, mometasone furoate nasal spray.4

CRSwNP, chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis; INCS, intranasal corticosteroid; SCS, systemic corticosteroid.

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