Baseline blood EOS ≥300 cells/μL (QUEST, post hoc analysis)
Results are descriptive. Definitive conclusions cannot be made as
this was a post-hoc analysis. There are limitations on sample
size and
data were not multiplicity controlled.
Results are descriptive. Definitive conclusions cannot be made as this was
a post hoc analysis of open-label extension data.
Data were not multiplicity controlled and there are limitations associated
with open-label study design, including lack of comparator
arm, decreasing
sample size, and potential continued
involvement of responders and
attrition of
a1.84 L was the baseline FEV1
level from QUEST (n=129) compared with a
placebo value of 1.89 L
bFEV1 was assessed in the exposed
population (observed cases) using
descriptive statistics.5
EOS, eosinophils; FEV1,
forced expiratory volume in 1 second; ICS, inhaled
corticosteroid; ITT, intention-to-treat; LSM, least squares mean; OLE,
open-label extension; Q2W, once
every 2 weeks; SOC, standard of care.